Tuesday, August 22, 2006

City Girl Squawk

Jason Horowitz wrote a great piece in the New York Observer about a very particular kind of Northeast accent he calls the City Girl Squawk. I know that when I give a link that is more than a paragraph, it feels like a homework assignment, but this one is good (skim around it if you must) because it deals with an accent that I have a lot of experience with. Almost every girl I went to high school with talked in this way, and seeing as I go to NYU, largely populated by girls from the Northeast, I haven't escaped it. This accent has bothered me for a long time.

A lot of people make fun of Southern accents, which I actually find very pleasant, but the city girl squawk is curdling to the point of being a public safety risk. It is also very specific to a type of girl--as Horowitz calls her: attractive but not pretty, stringy but not skinny, smart but not all that intelligent. He might as well have been in my study hall. It is a voice typified by long, whiney vowels and a piercing laugh that makes you want to scrape out your cochlea with a grapefruit spoon. Conversations are liberally sprinkled with hyperbole and the words "like", "so" and "totally." Horowitz puts together an incredible snapshot of the practitioner of the accent. Everything I would point to as annoying is in this article. Read it--you'll love it. Unless you're a girl I went to high school with, in which case this article is probably about you. Sorry.


Crashdummie said...

Wicked article! Fascinated that ppl actually talk that. But then again, my best friends told me once that sometimes when I laugh, only dogs can hear me. Aaah, u just gotto love her nah?

Beth said...

I agree, great article and well written. The interviews with the linguistics profs were very interesting as well, and I could DEFINITELY relate to this dialect even living in the Midwest. Gah!

couturiette said...

Your comment is ludicrous sir! Also, quite a biting post you just listed in terms of your thoughts on the article...you seem to have a vendetta building up against the East Coast city girl.