Monday, March 06, 2006

Hooray for seething racisim!

I'm very happy "Crash" won best picture, because when I saw it I thought it was the best movie I'd seen in a long long time. Totally deserved. Also I am glad that Clooney and Seymour Hoffman picked up some hardware, but those are slightly dimmed by the fact that I, along with almost everyone else, predicted those two wins. "Crash" was a welcome surprise.

From what I've seen and read, my man Jon Stewart did a pretty good job hosting. I of course did not watch the Oscars since they weren't on one of the 5 tv channels we have, but I checked the papers this morning and a few video clips are scattered over the web. The internet rules.

Sorry to Felicity Huffman, for whom I view every award she gets now to be retroactive appreciation for "Sports Night".

Gotta love Hollywood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope you saw 3 six mafia's absolut (yes, absolut, not absolute) jubilation when they won the oscar. you would have appreciated their dental work and the uncomfortable laughter from the audience.