Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Let It Be

I was watching Boston Legal, one of my favorite dramas because I don't have to watch it all the time like LOST or 24. Flexibility can be liberating that way. I also tend to like anything James Spader does. He has an posh elegance and a roguish manner that I find to be quite winning, especially as his character is an utterly amoral bastard with the requisite heart of gold. Also, I love how William Shatner has completely embraced the fact that he was once a laughing stock, thereby making himself cool and self-effacing. David E. Kelley is much better as a surrealist and a comic writer in my opinion anyway, and if you don't believe me watch Robert Downey Jr. on Ally McBeal--amazing. Anyway, on tonight's (rerun) Tom Selleck played the ex-husband of Candice Bergen (who is a lot better looking than her age would indicate, as would the fact that she dated Kissinger). Now, you and I both know that Tom Selleck is known for being Magnum P.I. and having a mustache, and to be fair those two things are pretty much tied together. Well, in this episode his mustache looked immaculate as always, but he had grown in a goatee that looked about half as old as the mustache, which gave it an oddly asymmetrical quality that I found unnerving. My only conclusion is that someone told Selleck to grow the goatee, but this bothered me--Tom Selleck's mustache is iconic. He's worn it proudly for decades . In spite of it falling from fashion favour, he's stuck by it because he's not one of these "shave and run" Hollywood types. He's earned that mustache. So lay off, mustache-anistas. Selleck knows what he's doing. Let's have some faith in him.

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