Sunday, December 10, 2006

Apathy is so cool, or whatever

The title is obvious, and not really all that funny, but it's the best description of my state of mind.

In this--my third year of college--I simply cannot be arsed with nerves or anxiety about exams and school work. I don't have the fear in me anymore. I've become pretty good at dialing it in and getting what I need done at the time it needs to be done. And I do it pretty well. So when I sit down and crank out an economics problem set in an hour and get 100% on it, you should know it isn't luck, but the workings of a man brilliant beyond the bounds of the natural order.

Not caring about things is as liberating as you would imagine, as long as you commit to it. You can't worry about how nonchalant you are, you just have to be it. It is a great feeling to walk out of an exam you didn't really worry about and be secure with the knowledge that you completely drilled it. Success is a necessary component of insouciant living, and I'm doing it to a T.

1 comment:

couturiette said...

hmmm. have you really reached that level of blase, at such a tender young age to boot?

"agent provacateur" mind is still reeling from that one.