Monday, May 16, 2005

My weekend in luxury

This weekend I went to a party at my cousin's house in Maryland. Actually, house is something of an understatement. This place was enormous--about 20,000 square feet. It had twice as many bedrooms as people, and even more bathrooms. It was a replica of an Italian villa; from the red tile roof, to the balcony, to the twisting marble staircases. There are flat screen TVs everywhere--in fact, I was watching Cribs on MTV, and as I saw Omarion show off his LA pad, I felt vastly superior as I sat in a house much better than the one I saw on television. The best part, however, was the shower.
As I stepped into a bathroom the size of an airport hangar, I saw a glass door for the bathroom. Inside, there were a half dozen nozzles at different heights embedded in the wall. Trying my luck, I turned on the faucets, on opposite walls naturally, and was greeted with the most sensational shower I've ever imagined. Water rushing on me from the front at the right shoulder and thigh AND from the back on my left shoulder and thigh, not to mention water flowing from the side and above. It was Shangri-La with granite floors. Going back to my shower with a mere one nozzle is a rude awakening.

My first house is going to have a massive and complicated shower with water flowing from 20 directions, and nothing else. I am fine with the prospect of living in a huge shower. Just get me a flat screen plasma TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know i always imagined something like that shower, but with beer, and cold, and all the nozzles with different brews so when you get tired you can turn around and BAM! new beer!!