Thursday, August 25, 2005

I've had enough Law, but I could use more Order

My sister has a tendency to get hooked on television shows. I remember in the late 1990s, wild horses couldn't drag her away from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. She was the only person under the age of 300 who watched PAX. After that, she became a rabid fan of "Trading Places" before it was cool to like that show. She likes to point out that it was one of the few times that she was ahead of the curve, and she's right. I openly mocked her and the show, not thinking it would ever take off and become the multi-trillion dollar beast it is now. Lately, the TV show she is digging is Law and Order: SVU. I've got to give her credit on this one, because if you want to feed a ravenous obsession, SVU is your go-to show. The damned thing is one four hours a day on two different channels. Plus, with six or so seasons there's quite a backlog of shows for the diligent fan to peruse. I stupidly worship shows like Monty Python's Flying Circus, which has been off the air for 30 years, and Arrested Development, which was almost cut from Fox's lineup but comes back in a few weeks. In those cases, I do the only logical thing and shell out hundreds of dollars for DVDs.

The Law and Order franchise is, let's face it, a juggernaut. I haven't done the math, and I don't care to, but I think there are about three or four Law and Orders in production, and in all of these shows I have the same problem. I like the police work just fine, but I'd like to see more trial. For me, the trial is where you make your money, that's where the drama is. I know someone is going on trial, there is no suspense there for me. It's pretty safe to guess someone is getting arrested, usually while in his house and saying things like "What's this about?" and "I never killed anyone." And plea bargains are boring. What kind of episode would it be if the cops spend 20 minutes trying to tail you and book you, and you just go "Oh yeah, I totally did it. So does my cell have HBO or what, because I really love that show 'The Comeback.'" I also need the trials because I briefly held delusions of wanting to be a lawyer, but threw them away when I remembered that:
a) Lawyers have to read a lot of dense material, some of which has words like 'habeas corpus' and 'caveat emptor.' My Latin is kind of weak.
b) Law school costs a lot of money.
c) When I worked for two summers at a law firm, not a single lawyer I met enjoyed being a lawyer. They were typically more concerned with ordering Gucci shoes and trying to find one mammoth fee that would enable them to retire in Aruba.

While I'm not going to be a lawyer, I'd like to believe that they are still out there fighting the good fight on NBC. It assuages some of my Wall Street borne guilt.

So my program note to the Dick Wolf, give us more trials. They are gripping and can be somewhat cerebral when done right and make for some good distractions while I avoid writing papers. And as a side note, all the police scenes that you shoot make me late for class when you film around Washington Square Park. Move that inside, and it's all gravy.


Anonymous said...

that blasted dr.quinn medicine woman. i could not understand why your sister liked that former gerber baby and her good deeds. thankfully, the hallmark channel did not exist during our formative years. i love your sister nearly and dearly, but didn't she watch babylon 5 as well?

bitingsarcasm said...

That she did, but only at the behest of my cousin, who is kind of a geek.