Sunday, November 13, 2005

Test of a Man

This week, I have midterms in three of my classes. When you only take four classes, this is both alarming and rage-inducing. I've spent most of this weekend avoiding work and thinking about innovative ways to avoid work in equal measure. I'm also planning my classes for next semester, which I will spend studying in London at the appropriately titled University of London. I am very excited as some of my classes will be taught by faculty members of the London School of Economics, and will probably include the casual use of words like "bloody" and Cockney rhyming slang.

I just wanted to brag about going to London.

music: Vivali "Concerto per due Flauti"
I listen to classical music when I study because it makes me feel very erudite and composed, like a guy in a Lexus commerical, which always seem to feature violin based classical music.

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