Tuesday, May 05, 2009

New Yorkers are nice to people they'd like to hook up with

Today on the train back to Manhattan, I witnessed a truly heart warming moment. An attractive Latina woman had forgotten her train ticket at the office, and was going to have to pay some $15 to pay for a new one on board. She struggled with her massive pocketbook that contained at least 3 back issues of Vogue to cobble together a few singles before looking up at the ticket collector with pleading eyes.
Miraculously, a young man sitting next to her offered to put her fare on his weekly ticket, saving her the fee. She was understandably effusive in her gratitude, and he tried mightily to wave it off as nothing, that he's always underwriting public transport for hot chicks. It took him a grand 2 minutes to ask for her name and suggested they grab a drink in Manhattan. She declined, but not as graciously as she thanked him a minute ago.

Maybe next time, MTA Cassanova. I'll definitely be rooting for you in your ceaseless quest for women in that train car seat next to the bathroom. I believe in you.

1 comment:

Murali said...

I loved this and your economist quote too. Thanks for making my day