Monday, September 25, 2006

Always a schmaltzy ballad writer to me

Billy Joel is a fine performer and singer, and I don't think I am going out on any sort of limb when I say that. He is universally popular, I think he is one of only a few artists to go Titanium (1 billion albums sold). His music is good, but I've consistently found him to be something of a lazy songwriter. His lyrics are often a narrative, but sometimes they are silly and sappy in a pointless way. My most damning example is "Always a woman to me". On first glance, the lyrics are evocative of a lost love, but they are really just about incredibly mean woman. Of course, I can't expect Joel to write horrid women the way Fitzgerald does, but come on Billy. If only you could make us understand why you like this ice queen. To borrow a phrase, she appears to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I think this entry peaked with the title. This is what happens when you rush to finish before Studio 60 starts. I will not apologize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ive made my response, ull know what to do