Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Devil, I Know

Despite my own deep protests, I don't believe I failed the accounting test I took this morning. I had been convinced, completely convinced, that I would--but after finishing it, that doesn't seem likely. Deep and abiding pessimism pays off, it would seem.

I am going to try and write a story (not a very good one) about an incredibly good looking man who is very lonely. I've started 500 stories in the past 3 years, and they are all populated by variations on a few character traits: lonely guy, rich guy, rich lonely guy. I only ever think to write about men--sad, lonely rich men--because I don't imagine I could convincingly write in a woman's voice. The way women think is entirely aloof to me. I've had women tell me stories wherein they are walking me through a decision or a conflict they've had, and their reasoning is something I could never have deduced given 1,000 years and a map. I suppose that is why when I am scouring for fiction books, I never think to read one written by a woman. In fact, just thinking about it right now, I can count very few women authors I even like--Harper Lee is good, but that's all that comes to mind. It isn't that I believe women to be inferior writers, I just don't gravitate toward their work. I don't think women and I share a sense of humor--mine is far to dark for most polite society. If I find a female who loves Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant, Arrested Development, Aaron Sorkin, Oscar Wilde, Brendan Behan, and/or Steve Coogan, I'll read her book tonight. Or quite possibly marry her. That's really up to her.


Anonymous said...

As a female I found this post quite insightful and actually upsetting at the same time. The topics that women and men address in society seems to have some disparity and this probably has much to do with you being unable to find a woman writing your brand of comedy. However as a woman I don't necessarily find many men writing books that move me or target my interests. However I do have this to say, I think I'm falling in love with you through your writing.

bitingsarcasm said...

Being a woman, you probably didn't get it.