Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Heliocentricism Is A Subject Of Debate

It's been a while since I posted, and while there is no good reason for it, you bloody scavengers get all this delicious content for free. In light of this, how about we just appreciate what we have and not emptily pine for the what may be?

New Year, same shit. The celebration of New Year's Eve is an odd construct, but an accepted one. I'm going to digress from my normal curmudgeonly style here, as you probably expected me to say "The celebration of the New Year is completely arbitrary and pointless, and we might as well just assign ourselves a day at random and at the stroke of midnight shove our fingers up our noses." I mean, that's sort of true. The New Year as we see it is not, in any cosmic sense, a new year. It's just a year since the last time we celebrated. Of course, a good party is always something to look forward to, but it's a bit strange to be told "December 31st is designated as a party night. You may all go home, get drunk with your friends, count backwards from 10, shout all at the same time and kiss the person next to you. But dammit, you better be here bright and early on January 2nd." Why couldn't we do that (the gathering and fun bit) whenever we wanted? It's a bizarre sort of externally imposed and rigidly timed joy. At 12:00:01, New Year's Day is just another day. For one second, we are permitted to have fun. I might be the only one, but it strikes me as a tad Orwellian. Maybe if the party lasted a bit longer, I wouldn't mind it so much. And this wasn't as much of a digression as initially advertised, so chew on that.

I also don't like New Year's Resolutions as a premise, as they rely on the supposition that there is something wrong with me and that I need to change. I don't feel that the alternative has been fully interrogated and disproved: that it is I who should remain at stasis and the world should adapt accordingly, a Me-centric universe wherein all other universal entities revolve about me as I clap and affix myself with a knowing grin. It seems a lot more likely than me making even the humblest of alterations to my heretofore demonstrably infallible existence.

If I were to turn the resolution lens at you, the audience, I would resolve for you to listen to me and my multifarious, albeit capricious, recommendations. That starts here, where I proclaim Liverpool band 'The Coral' a group to whom you would be wise to listen. Introduce yourself to the song 'Dreaming of You.' Get on that, would you?

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