Monday, January 22, 2007

The Real Politik World

This is the best NY Times article I've read in a long time, as it reinforces something I've long hoped for, which is that politicians are more like regular people then we might have guessed. The very notion of 2 US Senators, powerful ones at that, and two Representatives living in one house during the work week is inherently hilarious. Throw in the fact that they fight about cereal and making the bed, and you've got the Odd Couple, if Felix and Oscar weren't a photographer and sports writer but instead voted on federal appropriations bills. I was also heartened with the evidence that these guys can be funny, and are certainly funnier than I imagined senators and congressmen were. Read it, you'll like it. Or not, what do I care?

The title might be a bit obvious, but sometimes we sacrifice creativity for the easy reference. We can't be brilliant all the time. (Note: In the previous sentence, the author employed the royal 'we.')

1 comment:

couturiette said...

now i know what a bunch of middle-aged democrats use to moisturize their aged, wrinkled bodies, CVS cocoa butter. add to that that i am attracted to older men anyway, and you have the makings of pretty much the sexiest times article this korean has read in a while.