Wednesday, March 30, 2005
New Slang
If anyone knows why it is called "New Slang" please tell me--I'm curious.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
What did Ashton Kutcher ever do to you?
"Guess Who?" is a remake of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" which is mentioned in the same sentence as words like 'seminal' and 'breakthrough.' I thought it strange that Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac were doing an inverted version of the movie. The message isn't problematic, but the movie looks straight up unbearable. Nothing in the preview made me want to see the movie, except to find out if the girl in it is actually African American, or if she is Dominican as I read in some reviews. I can't decide what this movie is trying to say--that race tension still exists in America, but if you look at people as individuals and see past their skin color, you can can meet some truly wonderful people? If this is the case, the movie is completely useless and not funny. Why do studios keep greenlighting these movies? When is somebody going to make an actual engaging, thought provoking movie with good writing and convincing acting? Oh, I forgot; nobody makes those movies anymore. For every 1 movie I see that is even kind of good, I see previews for 5 that are awful.
I think we should hand over all American Film powers to a oligarchical collective controlled by;
Luke and Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, and others of that ilk. At the very least, I'm assured escapist cinema with lines like, "it's a deep's so deep."
Saturday, March 26, 2005
high fidelity + beautiful girls = $10 for Barnes & Noble
i bought this book for a few reasons.
- i had a barnes & noble gift card with me holding a balance that was the exact price of this book. i took this as an omen.
- i've heard that it has been optioned to turn into a movie that will be a lot like Beautiful Girls, and it is to be produced by brad pitt and jennifer aniston. how could i refuse? everything those two touch turns to gold!
- this book has been described as a mix of High Fidelity and Beautiful Girls, with a bit of Garden State thrown in. this can only spell an enjoyable read.
knocking out that whole to-do list in one afternoon.
listening to: Queen "Somebody to Love"
--remind me to talk about how i've become a rabid fan of Queen these past few months. furthermore, remind me to tell you what Nikki Sixx said about Queen. it's pretty hilarious.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
matt <3 jack bauer
i'm sure if it were in any way feasible, matt would marry jack bauer, and live happily ever after.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
sweet caroline
Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good.
I've been inclined to believe it never would.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
continuing along this theme of me differing from most people, i don't see what's so damn great about dogs. dogs are like any other animal, except less interesting and they require you to pick up their feces with your hands. if i wanted to live with a useless ball of hair who slobbered all over the place, made loud and incomprehensible sounds, and forced me to clean up after it, i'd live with anna nicole smith. i can't imagine what dog would add to my life, except shave 3 seconds from my allotted "find my slippers" time, but this doesn't help me because: a) i don't have house slippers and b) i wouldn't immediately wear anything that was just in my dog's mouth. ironically enough, and what would this blog be without irony, i used to beg my father for a dog when i was younger. i thought my canine pal would make suburban life infinitely more interesting, what with all the ball throwing, running about with peals of gay laughter, and endless affection we would share with each other. of course, my father refused, and i was mercifully spared all those late night walks and bags of dog crap.
thanks dad, i owe you big.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
you're so vain, you probably think this post is about you
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
On Wednesday afternoon, I'll be very happy.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
New York sitcoms
“Sex and the City” stars four young career women and is ostensibly about the difficulties of finding a man in New York. It has a point. According to an analysis for The Economist, there are 93 men to every 100 women among single New Yorkers aged 20-44. In the country as a whole, and in most other big cities, there are more young single men than young single women. What the programme mostly shows, though, are the joys of chatting, shopping and going out to glamorous places. The six young friends in “Friends” are poorer and don't have quite the right invitations. They hang out together, discuss who is hanging out with whom, then hang out some more. “Seinfeld” is about a self-satisfied comic who occupies himself by being mildly witty about the trivial frustrations of urban living and his eccentric neighbours.