Sunday, March 20, 2005

matt <3 jack bauer

my roommate matt has a lot of strange quirks, but perhaps the most disturbing is his love of the show 24. now, i've seen 24, and it's a good show. matt doesn't think it is a show--he seems to really believe that jack bauer is an actual federal agent, and he's fighting for america. of course, on some level he knows it isn't real, but that level is frequently ignored for the giddy schoolboy crush matt harbors for jack bauer. not 5 minutes ago, matt described a situation that he has imagined wherein he calls a telephone number established by the show for fans to call in and maybe talk to a star of the show. in this fantasy world, matt gets to talk to kiefer sutherland, becomes friends with him, and matt enters and wins a sweepstakes where he gets to come to the set, and from there the flights of fancy are endless.

i'm sure if it were in any way feasible, matt would marry jack bauer, and live happily ever after.


Anonymous said...

This matt character just sounds misunderstood. I think he's probably a cool guy thats just a fan of the show. I've seen it, and 24 is the best show ever. Anyways I'm sure "matt" gets plenty of female action and is probably a hot soccer player.

bitingsarcasm said...

i live with him, and he is none of those things.

chrisana said...

jack is amazing, but i am through that phase. econ at nyu, huh? been there for my masters, biggest mistake of my life, regretting the job it got me to too!