Friday, September 16, 2005

Karma's a sassy lady

This morning, my roommate Matt and I decided to revive an old tradition and get ourselves some breakfast. We used to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day, together all the time. It was probably how we became such good friends, since there is nothing else to do on the walk from Brittany Hall to the Weinstein Dorm/Dining Hall other than talk. Nowadays, we run on different schedules, so this was a rare and anticipated event.

As we left our building, the hot and humid New York air smacks us in the face, and we instantly remember why rarely leave our air conditioned penthouse. Befitting our status as college students and the bank account that entails, we head over the a gourmet breakfast spot known as Dunkin' Donuts. I'm not sure if you've heard of it, it's pretty exclusive. As we both order egg and cheese meals on croissants, I can detect some confusion and furtive whispers among the staff. A woman from behind the counter approaches us holding a croissant. The exchange went as follows:

Woman: You guys are waiting for egg and cheese on a croissant, right?
Us: Yes.
Woman: Well, we only have one croissant. Which one of you wants...
Woman: a bagel?
Matt: Me.

At this point, I realize that Matt, thinking he was securing himself a croissant, actually agreed to having a bagel because he stepped all over the woman's sentence. I, knowing an opportunity when I see one, gamely step in.

Me: Well, it's too late now. You've just ordered a bagel.
Woman: (to Matt) What kind of bagel would you like?
Matt: (utterly dejected) Plain.

In one fell swoop, Matt learned a valuable lesson about interrupting people and trying to screw over a friend. He shan't be trying that again.


Anonymous said...

You forgot the most important part of this coming of age story, we were hung over as shit. All red eyed with the taste of vomit still lingering in the back of our throat, thats what make our breakfasts so special, that and the fun it is trying to piece together a night that neither of us can remember. And by the way with concerns to that bagel I was dejected and I will do it again...bitch.
PS I liked the bagel better anyways

bitingsarcasm said...

I wasn't ever hungover when we went to breakfast, but you probably were because you have a crippling drinking problem. I, on the other hand, am fully in control of my faculties, because I respect myself and my body.

And you didn't like the bagel better.